Uso da krigagem para caracterização da variabilidade espacial da condutividade hidráulica no semi-árido nordestino com enfoque bayesiano




This work analyzes the spatial variability of the saturated hydraulic conductivity using the Bayesian approach. There is a large interest in agriculture on determining the hydraulic conductivity of a cultivated area. This interest is mainly due to the direct relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and the amount of irrigation that the place receives. The study area is located in an aluvial valley of the semi-arid zone of Pernambuco state. The Hydraulic conductivity was spatially modelled and, through the geostatistical kriging technique the valley was mapped. A total of 98 measurement points have been analyted, with hydraulic conductivity measurements from piezometer tests in the saturated part of the valley, using slug tests. Both classical statistics and Bayesian methodology have been used in the study of the spatial variability. It has been observed the log normality of the data, and the variability structure estimated by the classic geostatistical found to be compatible with that estimated by the Bayesian methodology.


spatial variability variabilidade espacial bayesiana krigagem ciências agrárias biometria

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