UtilizaÃÃo do farelo de coco em dietas para leitÃes na creche / Use of the bran of coconut in diets for pigs in the day-care center


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




It was used 32 piglets, castrated male and female, of commercial lineage, weaned at 21 days of age and with average live weight of 6.2 kg, with the objective to evaluating the effect of the inclusion of different levels (0,0; 7,0; 14,0 ; 21,0%) of coconut meal (CM) and feeding forms on the performance of piglets in the initial phase I (21 to 42 days of age), initial phase II (43 to 63 days of age), and total period (21 to 63 days of age), how so your economic viability. The experimental design used was a randomized blocks with scheme factorial 4x2 (four levels of inclusion of CM and two feed forms - dry and wet diets) with four replicates by treatment and one animal for part. The criterion used for block formation was the initial weight of piglets. The results showed that for the initial phase I and total period, the daily mean weight gain (DMWG), daily mean feed intake (DMFI) and the feed conversion (FC) did not differ significantly (P>0.05) by inclusion of different levels of CM and feeding forms. For the initial phase II, the DNWG and DMFI did not differ significantly (P>0,05), but the CA was significant (P<0,05). It was concluded that the supply of coconut meal is viable technically up to 21,0% in the diets of piglets in the period nursery, independent of the feeding forms, and that the best economic response was obtained with the level of inclusion of 21,0% of CM


zootecnia anÃlise econÃmica alimento alternativo desempenho produtivo alternative feedstuffs analysis economic productive performance

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