Utilização de farinhas compostas de trigo e sorgo na fabricação de pão




The incorporation of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) flour into the locally produced wheat flour has.the principal objective of dirnllrlsh ing wheat importation by employing Brazilian raw materials. The effect of adding increasing amounts of sorghum flour to local wheat flour was studied in flour-water system (FWS) and flour-wat er-ingredients system (FWIS). There was also studied the effect of the above mixture on the technological quality of bread. Addition of 5-30% of sorghum flour to wheat flour produced an ,increase of maximum viscosity as shown by the amylograms of the mix tures thus obtained. In the flour-water system there was an increase of the water absorption level when large proportions of sorghum flour were incorporated in the dough. In the presence of ingredients (FWIS) the water absorption diminished both for wheat flour and flour mixtures. Regarding the characteristicsof the mixture,the dough development and the optimum time of the mixture showed a slight decrease thus indicating that the addition of sorghum flour practically did not alter the energy required for the development of gluten. In the flour-water-ingredients system (FWIS) the optimum time of dough mixing showed increased values. The increase of thequantity of sorghum flour produced a light increase of the time of dough mixing in the flour-water system (FWS). Extensibility diminished with the incorporation of sorghum flour and with increasing resting times. Resistance to the extension increasedwith the incorporation of sorghum flour and with shorteroresting times. These results pointed towards a possible presence of an oxidising factor in sorghum flour. The proportional number showed a reduction with the inoorporation od sorghum flour to wheat flour and with shorter resting times. Higher values were obtained with 45 minutes of rest, a possible indication of a stronger binding force in the protein network, of the gluten in thecase of shorter resting times. The extensigram areas showed a decrease with increasing amounts of sorghum flour in the dough, indicating a deterioration in the gluten network. Bread samples produced with up to 10% of sorghum flour were of similar quality as bread made with pure wheat flour. With increasing addition levels the indices of bread quality showed a falling tendency. Sensory analysis did not disclose any significant difference at p <5% leveI on addition of up to 6% of sorghum flour to wheat flour. This led to the conclusion that it is possible to add up to 6% of sorghum flour to Brazilian wheat flour without any difference in flavor or odor of the bread being noted


farinha de trigo sorgo sacarino

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