Utilização de ingredientes vegetais em substituição da proteína animal, em rações para o camarão marinho Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)




The objective of that work was to determine the coefficient of apparent digestibility of the dry matter ando f the crude protein and the apparent digestibility corrected by leaching of the dry matter, being used ration with vegetable ingredients in substitution of the animal protein in complete diets for the shrimp sea L. vannamei (Boone, 1931). The experiment was accomplished in the Station of Aquaculture in UFRPE. It was used juvenile shrimps of the species L vannamei, with weight medium initial of 4 + 1,5g, originated Farm Costa Dourada PE. The animals were housed in 16 glass aquariums (60x40x50 cm), with 6 animals for aquarium. The experimental diets will consist of four rations with different levels of vegetable protein (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) in substitution the fish flour. The experimental design used was allocated in with four treatments and four repetition. It was not verified of the substitution of the animal protein on the apparent digestibility of the protein (94, 91; 96, 20; 93, 33; 92, 48%) and dry matter (93, 33; 95, 30; 92, 25; 90, 92%) as well as in the apparent digestibility corrected by leaching of the dry matter ( 93,36; 95, 06; 91, 46; 90, 64%) of the experimental diets, respectively.


nutrients camarão marinho shrimp sea protein nutrientes digestibilidade digestibility proteína ração lixiviação leaching recursos pesqueiros e engenharia de pesca

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