Validation of the chart optometric scale / Validação de escala optométrica de figuras




The optopmetric scale is used on oftamologic clinic exam and selecting to determine the visual accuracy. On earlier study, by Dantas (2003), a method was developed for the selections of optoptics for the scale of regionalized images, as a initial proposal. Therefore, in order for this scale to be valid, it is needed to deepen the studies on the relation of the structuring and organizing of these optoptics, with visual accuracy and practical testing. The objectives are: To valid the RAD scale as its capacity to identify children with ocular alterations; Evaluate the co-relation among the coefficients of visual accuracy; Verify the associations among the tests; Verify the agreement of the measurement of the three examiners for the right and left eyes, separately. Study of validation of technology, experimental, random, triple blind, quantitative, developed over the first semester of 2006, having as sample, 246 students, selected on a random simple way. The methodological referential used by the research was adapted from the model of construto test with the theoric, experimental and analytic procedures. For the validation of the RAD scale, statistic coefficients of validating and precision are used. The sensibility for the moments RAD 1 and RAD 2 was respectively 88,6 and 85,7 for the right eye, and 78,6 and 92,9 for the left eye. As to the specificity the values found for the RAD 1 and RAD 2 scales were 95,3 and 98,1 for the right eye, and 97,7 and 98,6 for the left eye. Respectively, the positive predictive value (VP+) on the RAD 1 moment was 75,6 and 81,5 and on the RAD 2 moment, was 88,2 and 89,7; The negative predictive value (VP-) on the RAD 1 moment was 98,0 and 97,3 and on the RAD 2 moment it was 97,6 and 99,1. There was a correlation among the visual accuracy coefficients between Snellen and RAD 1, Snellen and RAD 2, for the two eyes (p = 0,0001). On the (X2) association were found a coefficient of 151,90 (p = 0,0001) for RAD 1 and 177,07 (p = 0, 0001) fro RAD 2; For the left and right eyes on RAD 1, it was 147,75 (p = 0,0001) and 199.69 (p = 0,0001) on RAD 2 on the right eye. For the concordance analysis in all cases, an Alpha de Cronbach higher than 0,929 was found. The data show significant between the standard criteria used and the scale of images in analysis. According to literature, the validation model in technology establishes rules to be fulfilled. The making of a regionalized chart of figures must fulfill the following rules: Use of the theory of image formation to construct optometric scales. Use of the visual system to characterize the visual learning (step 1); Patterning of the optometric scale as system proprieties. (step 2); Use of dimensionality based on the opticphysiologic aspects. (step 3); And characterization of the main definitions to be followed on the validation of the images and building of optoptics. (step 4); Demonstration of the operationalization on elaborating optometric scales. (step 5); Analysis of the optoptics of the image scale. (step 6); Planning of the application on the methodology. (step 7); Application and gathering for the measurements of the ocular alterations (step 8); Use of validation techniques (step 9); Use of precision techniques (step 10) and final considerations (step 11). The established rules serve as a starting point to de development of the chart in each region, for each one should have its own characteristic that must be respected.


técnicas de diagnóstico oftalmológico - enfermagem children validação acuidade visual pesquisa em enfermagem escala optométrica enfermagem criança optometric scale oftalmologia validation testes visuais - criança

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