Validity and reliability of a new digital algometer to detect extra and intra oral pressure pain threshold in miofascial and TMJ pain / Estudo da validação e confiabilidade de um novo algômetro digital de pressão extra e intra-oral para detecção de sensibilidade dolorosa miofascial e da ATM




The purpose of this study was to develop tools that allow a complete palpation examination using an algometer to evaluate validity and reliability. This study examined 80 subjects, 40 symptomatics patients from the school of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, divided in 20 women and 20 men, mean age 40 years, were examined using an eletronic algometer, intra-oral tool and pincer ? type pressure tool. The symptomatics patients were examinated in tree different sessions with intervals of one week. In the first session, an examiner (F1 group) evaluated the simptomatics patients. After one week, in the second session, the same examiner (F2 group) evaluated the same patients, 30 minutes later a second examiner evaluated the same patients (J group). One week later, in the third session, the first examiner (C group) evaluated 40 healthy volunteers. The validity of pressure digital algometer was obtained comparing F2 group x C group. The reliability intra examiner was obtained comparing F1 group x F2 group and the reliability inter examiners comparing F1 group x J group. After a statistic study, validity of the pressure digital algometer was obteined, good intra-examiner reliability was found but low interexaminer reliability was found, sugesting that to achieve hight levels of reliability a calibrating program and a padronization of pressure rate is necessary.


pressure pain threshold sensibilidade dolorosa à pressão desordem craniomandibular craniomandibular disorder algometer algômetro

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