Vamos acampar : a luta terra e a busca pelo assentamento de novas relações de genero no MST do Pontal do Paranapanema




This study examines the forms of women s participation in the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST) in the Pontal do Paranapanema region. It employs interviews with squatters, settlers, and male and female militants involved in the struggle for land in that region; the in loco system as the principal means for overcoming the difficulties that many have with tape recording; and the vast critical literature on the subject. During the course of the research two different spaces and moments of feminine participation in the struggle for land were identified. The first corresponds to the encampment phase, during which participants being to live collectively under the rules of the so-called "internal regimen," which establish the "codes" of conduct for each member of the encampment. New lessons learned during this phase can lead to the breaking down of gender barriers. The second phase is the settlement. This represents a positive outcome for the landless against the monopoly of the large landholding. It is the beginning of a new process that implies creating conditions for staying on the land that has been conquered. Nonetheless, what we observe are precarious conditions that reveal that the settlements have become a strategy to quel! social conflicts. In the settlement economic and technological conditions take on forms in which time and space are shaped by the dominant mode of production. Beyond surviving it is necessary to produce in order to pay the loans received from the state, the bank, etc. The struggle to stay on the land becomes the immediate :priority and the economic aspect imposes itself and brings back the old sexual division of labor, putting in check the gender leaming experiences of the years of struggle in the encampments. In the face of these difficulties, the MST proposes new models of settlement which allow independence in relation to the dominant mode of production to be combined with new relations that make it possible to eliminate the barriers of male chauvinism within the movement


conflito social trabalhadores rurais - brasil rural social movements gender relations posse da terra - brasil pontal do paranapanema social conflict acampamentos agricultural workers encampments tenure of land relações de genero movimentos sociais rurais

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