Variabilidade espacial de atributos de um latossolo vermelho escuro textura argilosa da região do cerrado, submetido ao plantio direto e ao plantio convencional




The cerrado s soils present, in general, low fertility and when being used with intensive agriculture they can present proprieties and physical characteristics alterations. Soybean and com cultures are occupying great extensions of agricultural area in Triângulo Mineiro and, the use of rotation cultures and no til1age management has been recommended with the intention to maintain or improve the agriculture soil quality. The aim of this work was to verify through classical statistics, differences between buIk density, total porosity, microporosity, macroporosity, organic matter, hydraulic conductivity, infiltration, c1ay content, silt coment and sand content, in a DarK Red Latosol, when submitted to tillage and no-tillage management. lt also intended to verify, through geostatistic, the spatial variability of these attributes in two management systems, using semivariogram. A square grid of 64 points was used for the collection of samples. The hidraulic conductivity and infiltration were obtained through constant permeameter flows (Guelph permeameter). Some estimations and histograms as well as normality and correlations analysis were done using c1assical statistic. The geostatistic analysis was made through semivariograms and kriging. The SlG - IDRISl was used to map attributes. Classical statistics analysis showed differences between the two sYstems regarding to buIk density, porosity, organic matter, hydraulic conductivity and infiltration, but, it found no difference regarding to clay, silt and sand. The hydraulic conductivity showed log-normal distribution and didn t present correlation with others attributes. Differences between semivariograms were found in both of the management systems. As a conclusion, the management system can modify some of the characteristics and proprieties of the soil and it also changes the spatial variability. The SIG can help making decisions about agriculture management.


analise espacial (estatistica) fisica do solo solos

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