Velocities model attainment by CRS method / Obtenção de modelo de velocidades pelo metodo CRS




The Common Reflection Surface (CRS) method, introduced by Peter Hubral in 1997, is an alternative technique to the conventional CMP stacking. The CRS stack is able to provide not only improved simulated zero-offset sections, but also a set of parameters that convey more information of the propagating medium than the single NMO-velocity parameter of the classical CMP method. The objective of this work is to analyze the potential of the CRS method to produce seismic velocity models, analogously to the computation of the NMO velocities in the CMP method. We review the CMP and CRS methods, and compare their performances on illustrative synthetic and real data examples


metodo sismico de reflexão cmp method crs method geofisica velocities model ondas sismicas

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