What I say cannot be written: but does anyone say what I write? the variation in use of the anaphoric direct object for oral and written productions by Brazilians learners of Spanish / O que eu falo não se escreve. E o que eu escrevo alguém fala? A variabilidade no uso do objeto anafórico na produção oral e escrita de aprendizes brasileiros de espanhol




This paper reports on the studies of learning/acquisition features in Spanish for native adult learners of Brazilian Portuguese. The following literature contextualizes the studys concerns and seeks for watching, understanding and explaining the use of anaphoric direct object within the oral and written productions by college Brazilian learners of Spanish as a foreign language. A theoretical basis is given in for the acquisition of nonnative languages, for the role of the mother tongue in the acquisition of foreign languages and the direct object in Brazilian Portuguese and in Spanish. The oral and written production samples used were collected during Spanish classes as a foreign language within a language course at Universidade de São Paulo. They revealed that, as well as in the mother tongue and target language, there is a wide variation in the non-native production in Spanish concerning omission, filling in and the ways of filling in the anaphoric object direct gaps. Yet, it was possible to identify tendencies within this production that enable the restructuring of non-native grammar, show the importance of education in the case of Spanish as a foreign language and reveal that inner features of oral and written productions for Spanish as a foreign language are linked not only to linguistic competence but also with the mother tongue learner and users background as well as the learnerscultural and socio-economic situations and their expectations in relation to the language learned, which affect their motivation.


espanhol como língua estrangeira; objeto direto; objeto direto anafórico; produção escrita; produção anaphoric direct object; direct object; oral production; spanish as a foreign language; written prod

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