Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
Publicados nas melhores instituições de ensino

Psychoanalysis and Criminal Justice: questions and positions on a clinic service to domestic violence / Psicanálise e justiça criminal: questões e posicionamentos sobre uma clínica da violência doméstica

This paper presents speeches and reflections on implementation and development of a psychological clinic service to families in domestic violence situation users of JECRIFAM, institution of the Court of the Criminal Justice, in São Paulo. This service has been developed in a pilo...

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Estudo da qualidade da acessibilidade da informação judicial pela internet no Brasil: o indicardor do Ceja

Study that discourse on the context, history, object of the Science of the Information and the influence of the internet and hypertext as precondition of access and recovery of judicial information and citizenship. The research it enters in the question of the measure and evaluat...

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Políticas de saúde em juízo: um estudo sobre o município de São Paulo / Health policies in court: a study of the city of São Paulo

This research aims at understanding the role played by the common courts in the context of health policy in São Paulo. Therefore, it is proposed to study the process of using the São Paulo State Court of Justice to guarantee the right to health and identify institutional mechanis...

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Análise comparada do fluxo do sistema de justiça para o crime de estupro

The current article is intended to demonstrate the advantages of prioritizing an analysis of court caseload processing for a given type of crime and proceeding to a comparison of the results obtained from empirical studies in different countries. The article draws on a study I pe...

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The socio-penal control of adolescents on judicial process in São Paulo: between protection and punishment / O controle sócio-penal dos adolescentes com processos judiciais em São Paulo: entre a proteção e a punição

The present thesis: The socio-penal control of adolescents on judicial process in São Paulo : between protection and punishment, is aimed at the examination of the effective results of the socio-penal control of adolescents involved in infringement process. The references selecte...

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Análise documentária das ementas cíveis uma experiência com acórdãos do tribunal de justiça do estado de São Paulo.

The expressive increase of the judicial production information in the contemporaneousness reflects for one hand the increasing complexity of the society and for the other the needs to organize it for its efficient recuperation specially so that the search can be possible,what wou...

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A perspective on the creation of an International Environmental Court / A perspectiva da criação de um Tribunal Internacional do Meio Ambiente

International Environmental Law emerged in the last century and is constantly the target of various transformations due to the dynamics that currently surround international relations. Recently, the major challenge of this branch of International Public Law is to establish its ow...

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Prazo razoável para término do processo penal frente aos direitos fundamentais

This work proposes a reflection about the development and dimensions of Fundamental Rights, as well as the analysis of constitutional principles and their guiding developments in the Civil Procedure Law and Criminal Procedural Law. Thus, to perform this study used the research li...

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A causa dos contratos

This paper has the purpose of analyzing the cause of contracts. The subject is relevant and justifiable because although there is no statutory provision on the cause of contracts, it is important to the theory of contracts. Moreover, its practical importance is unquestionable. It...

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Arquitetura forense do Estado de São Paulo: produção moderna, antecedentes e significados / Forensic architecture of the State of São Paulo: modern production, antecedents and meanings

With the introduction of a government plan with ideas of modernization: the action plan - Page, by Carvalho Pinto (1959-1963), young architects found soil to cultivate their ideas of a new architecture, through the generation of new spaces which would allow new social behaviors. ...

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O DIREITO É TORCIDO À PORTA PORQUE A JUSTIÇA SE ENCONTRA DEITADA POR TERRA: Um estudo sobre o direito e a justiça na profecia de Amós, a partir de Am 5,10-13

The work that is entitled: The Right/Law is distorted at the Gate because the Justice is found lying on the ground, it is an exegetical exercise that aims the pericope of Am 5,10-13. In the semantic analysis of its main words, a social, political and economical paradoxical realit...

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Responsabilidade administrativa por queima irregular de palha de cana-de-açúcar: as atuações da CETESB e da política ambiental e a jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo

The present work has as its main objective to answer whether the administrative liability for the irregular firing of sugarcane straw and by benefiting from this infraction has objective (as the civil liability by environmental damage), subjective (as the liability by environment...

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Crise do Estado social e o papel do juiz na efetivação de direitos trabalhistas / Crisis of the social state and the judges paper in the effectiveness of the labor rights

This survey came out of the realization that the changes the world undergoes affect all areas of knowledge. The paper concentrates on economical, philosophical, social and political changes and their effects in the temporary relief, specifically in relation to the labor laws. Thu...

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O controle externo do Poder JudiciÃrio e a atuaÃÃo do Conselho Nacional de JustiÃa nos Estados da FederaÃÃo: as propostas atuais de gestÃo em Pernambuco e outros Estados

The emergence of the National Council of Justice in 2004 and its effective control of the Judiciary Foreign National show, clearly, a step in public management and administration to combat old negative addictions rooted in justice as slow procedural, functional and abuse of autho...

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Segurança jurídica, princípio da legalidade tributária e jurisprudência

The subject matter of this work is the analysis of the concept of legal security in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, especially with regard to the activity of taxation by the state. Legal security is not isolated in the normative context, because there are other values...

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A jurisprudência trabalhista e sua importância ao jurisdicionado / The labor law and its importance to society

The contemporary society craves a renowned justice, qualitative and which well serve as a guiding tool, capable of pointing the direction that the courts are waving in relation to each law. This study aims to see that this important social claim is achieved through case law in it...

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Ação rescisória com fundamento na violação de súmula vinculante e persuasiva

This dissertation has as its aim the study of the possibility of filing an action for the reversal of res judicata based on a Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) precedent, which may be binding or merely persuasive. The current position of the STJ is in the sense that prece...

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Teoria do reexame compulsório do provimento jurisdicional sob o viés de uma Filosofia do Direito Processual e à égide do Estado de Direito Democrático

The mandatory degree of jurisdiction, derived from the Lusitanian right (mid-fourteenth century), under the influence of the inquisitorial process, emerged as a Brazilian legal institute of the Civil Procedure, within the article 90 of the Law of October 4, 1831, establishing it ...

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The confluence of regulatory jurisdiction in the field of public utilities according to the upper courts / A confluência de competências para regulação dos serviços públicos segundo a compreensão dos tribunais superiores

This dissertation presents and interprets the results of a jurisprudential research on cases in which there were jurisdictions intersections among Political Entities when public utilities were concerned. As a matter of fact, 1988 Brazilian Constitution has established a Federal S...

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Tribunal Penal Internacional: influência dos direitos humanos na sua criação; estrutura e composição; aspectos penais e processuais penais

The International Penal Court was created by the Diplomatic Conference held in Rome in July, 1998. The IPC is a dream of former and present generations: break the impunity of serious crimes against Human Rights. It has come after 50 years of negotiation and studies carried out by...

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A garantia do acesso à justiça através da cooperação jurisdicional internacional: análise das tutelas de urgência em homologação de sentença estrangeira no P.L. 166/2010

The current social relations show up remarkably, dynamic and globally, however it s not possible to sight significant efforts to address this issue in its entirety: to make a faster delivery adjudication of disputes with transnational feature. Brazil remains almost alien to this ...

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