Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
Publicados nas melhores instituições de ensino

Keio Mutation Database for eye disease genes (KMeyeDB).

A database of mutations in human eye disease genes has been constructed. This KMeyeDB employs a database software MutationView which provides graphical data presentation and analysis as a smooth user-interface. Currently, the KMeyeDB contains mutation data of 16 different genes f...

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S/MARt DB: a database on scaffold/matrix attached regions

S/MARt DB, the S/MAR transaction database, is a relational database covering scaffold/matrix attached regions (S/MARs) and nuclear matrix proteins that are involved in the chromosomal attachment to the nuclear scaffold. The data are mainly extracted from original publications, bu...

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PlasmoDB: the Plasmodium genome resource. A database integrating experimental and computational data

PlasmoDB ( is the official database of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing consortium. This resource incorporates the recently completed P. falciparum genome sequence and annotation, as well as draft sequence and annotation emerging from other Plasmodi...

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EzCatDB: the Enzyme Catalytic-mechanism Database

The EzCatDB (Enzyme Catalytic-mechanism Database) specifically includes catalytic mechanisms of enzymes in terms of sequences and tertiary structures of enzymes, and proposed catalytic mechanisms, along with ligand structures. The EzCatDB groups enzyme data in the Protein Data Ba...

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PlasmoDB: the Plasmodium genome resource. An integrated database providing tools for accessing, analyzing and mapping expression and sequence data (both finished and unfinished)

PlasmoDB ( is the official database of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequencing consortium. This resource incorporates finished and draft genome sequence data and annotation emerging from Plasmodium sequencing projects. PlasmoDB currently houses information...

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Gene discovery using the maize genome database ZmDB

Zea mays DataBase (ZmDB) is a repository and analysis tool for sequence, expression and phenotype data of the major crop plant maize. The data accessible in ZmDB are mostly generated in a large collaborative project of maize gene discovery, sequencing and phenotypic analysis usin...

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RegulonDB: a database on transcriptional regulation in Escherichia coli.

RegulonDB is a DataBase that integrates biological knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate the transcription initiation in Escherichia coli , as well as knowledge on the organization of the genes and regulatory signals into operons in the chromosome. The operon is the basic str...

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YPL.db: the Yeast Protein Localization database

The Yeast Protein Localization database (YPL.db) contains information about the localization patterns of yeast proteins resulting from microscopic analyses. The data and parameters of the experiments to obtain the localization information, together with images from confocal or vi...

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WorfDB: the Caenorhabditis elegans ORFeome Database

WorfDB (Worm ORFeome DataBase; was created to integrate and disseminate the data from the cloning of complete set of ∼19 000 predicted protein-encoding Open Reading Frames (ORFs) of Caenorhabditis elegans (also referred to as the ‘worm ORFeome’). W...

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The Diatom EST Database

The Diatom EST database provides integrated access to expressed sequence tag (EST) data from two eukaryotic microalgae of the class Bacillariophyceae, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana. The database currently contains sequences of close to 30 000 ESTs organiz...

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AngioDB: database of angiogenesis and angiogenesis-related molecules

Angiogenesis is the formation of new capillaries sprouting from pre-existing vessels. Angiogenesis occurs in a variety of normal physiological and pathological conditions and is regulated by a balance of stimulatory and inhibitory angiogenic factors. The control of this balance m...

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SELEX_DB: an activated database on selected randomized DNA/RNA sequences addressed to genomic sequence annotation

SELEX_DB is a novel curated database on selected randomized DNA/RNA sequences designed for accumulation of experimental data on functional site sequences obtained by using SELEX and SELEX-like technologies from the pools of random sequences. This database also contains the progra...

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EpoDB: a database of genes expressed during vertebrate erythropoiesis.

EpoDB is a database designed for the study of gene regulation during differentiation and development of vertebrate red blood cells. In building EpoDB, we have taken the in advance approach to the data integration problem: we have extracted data relevant to red blood cells from Ge...

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GIF-DB, a WWW database on gene interactions involved in Drosophila melanogaster development.

GIF-DB (Gene Interactions in the Fly Database) is a new WWW database ( approximately lgpd/GIFTS_home_page. html ) describing gene molecular interactions involved in the process of embryonic pattern formation in the flyDrosophila melanogaster. The detai...

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DbClustal: rapid and reliable global multiple alignments of protein sequences detected by database searches

DbClustal addresses the important problem of the automatic multiple alignment of the top scoring full-length sequences detected by a database homology search. By combining the advantages of both local and global alignment algorithms into a single system, DbClustal is able to prov...

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TcruziDB: an integrated Trypanosoma cruzi genome resource

TcruziDB ( is an integrated genome database for the parasitic organism Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas’ disease. The database currently incorporates all available sequence data (Genomic, BAC, EST) in a single user-friendly location. The databa...

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CKAAPs DB: a conserved key amino acid positions database

The Conserved Key Amino Acid Positions DataBase (CKAAPs DB) provides access to an analysis of structurally similar proteins with dissimilar sequences where key residues within a common fold are identified. The derivation and significance of CKAAPs starting from pairwise struct...

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SilkSatDb: a microsatellite database of the silkworm, Bombyx mori

The SilkSatDb (silkmoth microsatellite database) ( is a relational database of microsatellites extracted from the available expressed sequence tags and whole genome shotgun sequences of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori. The database has been rendered wit...

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AsMamDB: an alternative splice database of mammals

The objective of database AsMamDB is to facilitate the systematic study of alternatively spliced genes of mammals. Version 1.0 of AsMamDB contains 1563 alternatively spliced genes of human, mouse and rat, each associated with a cluster of nucleotide sequences. The main inform...

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ZmDB, an integrated database for maize genome research

Zea mays DataBase (ZmDB) seeks to provide a comprehensive view of maize (corn) genetics by linking genomic sequence data with gene expression analysis and phenotypes of mutant plants. ZmDB originated in 1999 as the Web portal for a large project of maize gene discovery, sequencin...

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IMGT, the International ImMunoGeneTics database.

IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database, is an integrated database specialising in Immunoglobulins (Ig), T cell Receptors (TcR) and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) of all vertebrate species, created by Marie-Paule Lefranc, CNRS, Montpellier II University, Montpelli...

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