Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
Publicados nas melhores instituições de ensino

DBSitter: um sistema inteligente para gerencimaneto de SGBD

By analyzing the daily work of Data Base Administrators (ABD), we perceived that a large amount of problems (e. g. performance tuning, security and physical dimensioning) occur repetitively. Nonetheless, the professionals normally forget the best solution for them, especially whe...

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Ontositter: sistema de soluÃÃo de problemas de SAGBD baseado em ontologia

Currently the Database Management System (DBMS) possess great capacity to store since the data gotten for the systems do business until the information synthecized for the systems of decision taking. In this context, as much the search for the information how much the routines of...

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Um estudo para escolha do SGBD em processos de reengenharia orientada a objetos.

A process for the database management system (DBMS) choice in the forward engineering stage, in an object-oriented reengineering is presented. The process was instanced for two particular DBMSs Jasmine and Caché, which a forward engineering case study was developed. The legacy sy...

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AutonomousDB: uma ferramenta para propagação autônoma de atualizações de esquemas de dados

One of the biggest challenge of building and maintaining applications with long life cycles is dealing with the inevitable changes in requirements that occur over time. Many of these applications depend on DBMS that most often suffer direct consequences in their databases schemas...

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AutonomousDB: uma ferramenta para propagaÃÃo autÃnoma de atualizaÃÃes de esquemas de dados

One of the biggest challenge of building and maintaining applications with long life cycles is dealing with the inevitable changes in requirements that occur over time. Many of these applications depend on DBMS that most often suffer direct consequences in their databases schemas...

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Information Management System: neurological disorders in non-cardiac chronics chagasic. / Sistema de gerenciamento da informação: alterações neurológicas em chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos

This is the development of a computer information management system to support scientific studies about the nervous system of non-cardiac chronic chagasic patients. The goal is to develop the required system, by assumption of the convenience in the analysis of research results. T...

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Bancos de dados geográficos: uma análise das arquiteturas dual (Spring) e integrada (Oracle Spatial). / Spatial databases: an analyse of the architectures dual (Spring) e integrated (Oracle Spatial).

The spatial data complexity justifies the need to develop new spatial data types and to design new structures to store, to query and to handle spatially referenced data inside a database management system (DBMS). This work presents an analysis of these issues considering the diff...

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Optimizing similarity queries in metric spaces meeting user\ s expectation / Otimização de operações de busca por similaridade em espaços métricos

The complexity of data stored in large databases has increased at very fast paces. Hence, operations more elaborated than traditional queries are essential in order to extract all required information from the database. Therefore, the interest of the database community in similar...

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Visualizing the organization and behavior of metric access methods: Applications in similarity queries / "Visualizando a organização e o comportamento de estruturas métricas: aplicações em consultas por similaridade"

The use of computers by an increasing variety of applications led the Database Management Systems (DBMS) to be used to store a wide range of complex data types, such as images, sounds, DNA chains, etc. Queries based on the total order relationship and/or equality can not be appli...

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Gestão municipal com o uso de geotecnologias / Municipal administration with use of geothecnologies

This paper has the purpose of presenting procedures for planning and implementing a Municipal Geographic Information System (GIS) with an emphasis on the precision, exactness, reliability, safety, and interoperability of the data and geographical information. The methodologies an...

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Restrições dinamicas em bancos de dados ativos orientados a objetos

Esta dissertação aborda o problema da modelagem e manutenção de restrições gerais de integridade em sistemas de banco de dados. A solução se baseia no uso de gerenciadores de bancos de dados ativos orientados a objetos que suportam mecanismos de regras de produção. O trabalho apr...

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Objective tests and their discriminating power in business courses: a case study

Evaluating students' learning experiences outcomes cannot be considered a simple task. This paper aims at investigating students' overall performance and the discriminating power of particular tests' items in the context of business courses. The purpose of this paper is to contri...

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