RESUMO Objetivo Realizar análise da política pública de alimentação e nutrição no Brasil, com ênfase nos últimos quinze anos (2003-2018). Métodos Análise histórico-documental, realizada a partir de levantamento bibliográfico em bases indexadas e visitas exploratórias a sítios e...
Ver documentoThe subject discussed in this thesis focused on the comparative analysis of poverty control policies in three Latin American countries Mexico, Brazil and Peru, specifically in the policies of Food and Nutritional Security (SAN) and Conditional Cash Transfer programs (CCT). Resear...
Ver documentoThis thesis presents a study on the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population, understood as an important expression of the social policy of food and nutrition developed in Brazil, and one of the main tools of action of healthy feeding program. The Food Guide was designed to facili...
Ver documentoThe development of health promoting policies is a challenging theme for our times. The main difficulty to achieve the necessary advances in this area lies on the comprehension of social determinants of health-disease processes and how to face them, based on a set of strategies wh...
Ver documentoThe present research analyses the process of construction of the food security policy in Angola from the view of the existing public policies and of the actors involved. Within this process, the formulation of the National Food Security Programme (PNSAN) and the constitution of t...
Ver documentoThis work analyzes the political, legal, and historical aspects that influenced the implementation of the fundamental right to adequate food in the Brazilian Northeast. Therefore, it was utilized a research of qualitative approach, as well as an interdisciplinary bibliographical ...
Ver documentoThe objective of this research was to investigate the meaning of food security for health professionals working in primary care teams of the Family Health Program in a large city, and how they apply this concept in their everyday work with the general population, but with poor pe...
Ver documentoIn Peru a fourth of childrens population younger than 5 years old present a chronic malnutrition and this indicator has remained almost the same since 1996. In Puno the problem is even larger because of social and political conditions. After the structural adjustment provoked by ...
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Ver documentoThe fight against hunger and food insecurity is present worldwide. The recognition that adequate food is a fundamental human right and that for the states together with civil society, its effectiveness was instrumental in establishing and implementing food security policies. Braz...
Ver documentoThe goal of this study is to investigate what is a public policy for food and nutrition security coupled with the democratic and constitutional principles, in other words, what is a public policy that promotes the right to adequate food. In the first chapter, it is confirmed that...
Ver documentoIn all but the poorest countries of South Asia and Africa, the supply and quality of food will rise to meet the demand. Biotechnology, accelerated by genomics, will create wealth for both producers and consumers by reducing the cost and increasing the quality of food. Famine ...
Ver documentoThe work aims to compare the supply of fruit, vegetables and legumes of the Municipal Food Bank of Diadema during the year 2007, for kindergartens, with the availability of such foods, using data from a sample of families obtained from the Search for Family Budgets POF 2002-2003 ...
Ver documentoThe current paper approaches the institutional markets of the Food Acquisition Program (FAP) and the School Food National Program (SFNP) - Acquisition of Foodstuffs of the Familiar Agriculture and the Rural Familiar Entrepreneur to School Food. We seek to evaluate how the program...
Ver documentoIn recent years, the food and beverage industry in the US has viewed children and adolescents as a major market force. As a result, children and adolescents are now the target of intense and specialized food marketing and advertising efforts. Food marketers are interested in yout...
Ver documentoTaking into account that the food and nutritional security (SAN) over the years evolved, shape by a complex world reality, it should be achieved with more accurate methods and according to the reality of each country. In order to do that, is currently with several databases and m...
Ver documentoThis is an overview of LC-MS techniques applied for macrolide determination in food, including sample preparation and method validation, as well as the policies adopted by international agencies regarding their presence in food. Techniques for the analysis of macrolides in food n...
Ver documentoThis work aims to assess the effects of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture on food safety of the family agricultures in the municipality of Itapuranga-Goiás. The focus topic of the research was developed from the question: is it possible from a compa...
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