Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
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A perícia forense no Brasil. / Forensic expertise in Brazil.

This work presents a look at the forensic activity starting in ancient Egypt, the cradle of Western civilization, through the Portuguese colonization and their influence, until getting to Brazil nowadays, with the aim to bring the characteristic elements of interdisciplinary expe...

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O cotidiano dos funcionários de um instituto médico legal frente à morte: uma leitura a partir da bioética personalista / The daily routine of Forensics Workers towards Death: a personalistic bioethics view

This is a qualitative research that aimed to understand the experience of workers in the universe of the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Londrina-PR. The three objectives were to analyze the experiences of these workers with death, identify the challenges sprung from this work ...

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Record of postmortem injuries caused by the Neotropical social wasp Agelaia fulvofasciata (Degeer) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) on pig carcasses in the Eastern Amazon region: implications in forensic taphonomy

ABSTRACTPostmortem injuries are a source of misinterpretations in forensic analysis and therefore are subject matter of taphonomic interest. Many types of injuries can cause different artifacts, which deserve attention of the forensic pathologists when evaluating corpses, either ...

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Doctors and torture: the police surgeon.

Much has been written by many distinguished persons about the philosophical, religious and ethical considerations of doctors and their involvement with torture. What follows will not have the erudition or authority of the likes of St Augustine, Mahatma Gandi, Schopenhauer or Thom...

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Clinical and epidemiological aspects of victims of maritime accidents on the Mar Grande-Salvador crossing, Bahia, Brazil: a case series study

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Maritime transportation is an activity of vital importance for societies. The Mar Grande-Salvador crossing is an intercity waterway transport line in Brazil that transports 3,500 passengers/day, including residents and tourists. In 2017, an accident on this ...

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Vultures and others scavenger vertebrates associated with man-sized pig carcasses: a perspective in Forensic Taphonomy

The activity of vertebrates that feed on corpses can modify the chronology of the decomposition process and interfere with postmortem interval estimates. Further, by destroying the soft parts of the cadaver, scattering, burying or causing the disappearance of bones, it can entire...

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Use of benzidine for histological demonstration of haemoglobin in human bite marks.

Macroscopic evidence of bruising from human bite marks may be inconclusive and routine histochemical methods of showing extravasated erythrocytes can be unreliable. Leuco patent blue staining, for the presence of peroxidase, Amido black B, a tinctorial staining method for haemogl...

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Processo de decomposição e padrão sucessional de artrópodes em carcaças de suínos expostas em locais abrigados e desabrigados / The process decomposition and the successional pattern of arthropods in pig carcasses exposed to unsheltered environments

Forensic Entomology uses data, mainly from carrion insects, to estimate the Post Mortem Interval (PMI). The oviposition pattern of these insects can be influenced by several factors, such as the presence of materials in the vicinity of the body, whether the corpses are buried, bu...

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Análise da atividade de trabalho dos necrotomistas

This dissertation aims at analyzing the work activity of necrotomists Department of Forensic Medicine (DMF) of a capital of the Brazilian Northeast. This goal unfolds in the following specific objectives: to know the organization and the working conditions of necrotomists; unders...

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Análise da atividade de trabalho dos necrotomistas

This dissertation aims at analyzing the work activity of necrotomists Department of Forensic Medicine (DMF) of a capital of the Brazilian Northeast. This goal unfolds in the following specific objectives: to know the organization and the working conditions of necrotomists; unders...

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Implantação de cadeia de custódia de vestígios: implicações para a gestão da polícia civil do Distrito Federal

O presente trabalho, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, teve por objetivo identificar requisitos, obstáculos e repercussões decorrentes da implantação de Cadeia de Custódia de Vestígios (CC) para a gestão da Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (PCDF), que nessa unidade federativ...

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Evolução tecnologica dos exames de paternidade e sua validade juridica / Technological evolution of the exams of paternity and its juridical validity

The science and the technology come if constantly surpassing and its progresses rebound in the deliberations of the Judiciary Power. Decisions on paternity set in techniques, now supplanted by the progress of the science, they have been questioned judicially, placing in evidence ...

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Perícia contábil nas tomadas de decisões dos magistrados nos processos de falência e concordatas nas varas cíveis da região do Grande ABC

In Brazil the Forced Agreement and Bankruptcy institute encloses all types of productive entities, either as a general partnership or as an individual enterprise according to the Decree-Law # 7661 of June 21, 1945. The enterprise survives essentially with the credit mechanism, th...

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