The molecular basis of adult human "lactase deficiency" has long been a subject of controversy. To address this issue, small intestinal biopsies from orienta, black, and white patients were analyzed. Adjacent samples were assayed for lactase and sucrase specific activities and th...
Ver documentoLactase persistence, the genetic trait in which intestinal lactase activity persists at childhood levels into adulthood, varies in frequency in different human populations, being most frequent in northern Europeans and certain African and Arabian nomadic tribes, who have a histor...
Ver documentoAbstract Lactase non-persistence (leading to primary lactose intolerance) is a genetically dependent inability to digest lactose in adulthood. As part of the human adaptation to dairying, the human lactase LCT-13910C/T mutation (which propagates adult expression of lactase) devel...
Ver documentoRelative deficiency of intestinal lactase activity during adulthood, adult hypolactasia, is a common condition worldwide. We studied the regulation of lactase-phlorizin hydrolase in normal and adult hypolactasic subjects by correlating transcript abundance in intestinal biopsies ...
Ver documentoThe intestinal brush-border enzyme lactase splits lactose into its component monosaccharides, glucose and galactose. Relative deficiency of the enzyme during adulthood is a common condition worldwide and is frequently associated with symptoms of lactose intolerance. We studied th...
Ver documentoThe Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is defined as a pattern of metabolic disturbances, which include central obesity, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. Milk has been promoted as a healthy beverage that can improve the management of MetS. Most human a...
Ver documentoMuch of the world population has problems in consuming milk and dairy products because some people are lactose intolerant. To be absorbed in the intestine lactose needs to be hydrolyzed by lactase enzyme. People with lactose intolerance do not produce lactase and therefore can no...
Ver documentoThirty-four lactose-utilizing strains of E. coli were selected from a lac Z deletion strain. In 31 of these, the synthesis of the newly evolved lactase is regulated by lactose. The lactase activity in all the strains is indistinguishable from the ebg+ activity identified by Campb...
Ver documentoSmall intestinal lactase, sucrase and alkaline phosphatase activities were measured in histologically normal peroral intestinal biopsies from 477 individuals. Enzyme activities varied with age, sex, site of biopsy, and were lowest in post-weaning children and highest in young adu...
Ver documentoObjetivo: Verificar a relação entre a presença das mutações C/T-13910 e G/A-22018 no gene da lactase-florizina hidrolase e a absorção de lactose em indivíduos residentes no município de Porto Alegre. Casuística e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal que incluiu 20 indivíd...
Ver documentoA intolerância à lactose consiste na ausência ou deficiência na produção da lactase, enzima responsável por hidrolisar a lactose proveniente do leite e derivados. Indivíduos acometidos desse mal são privados de ingerir o leite em virtude dos desconfortos intestinais promovidos pe...
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Ver documentoEndoscopic duodenal biopsy specimens from 100 predominantly adult Caucasian patients under investigation for gastrointestinal symptoms were used to establish reference ranges for lactase, sucrase, and maltase in the duodenum. Duodenal and jejunal disaccharidase values were compar...
Ver documentoRegulation of lactose (beta-D-galactosidase) synthesis in the lactose-utilizing yeast Candida pseudotropicalis was studied. The enzyme was inducible by lactose and galactose. When grown on these sugars the enzyme level of the yeast was 20 times or higher than when grown on glycer...
Ver documentoLactase, sucrase, and alkaline phosphatase activities were measured in 833 peroral small intestinal biopsies from 373 patients with coeliac disease. Enzyme activities decreased with increasing degrees of mucosal damage. Enzyme activities in mucosae of patients with coeliac diseas...
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Ver documentoDespite the high prevalence of intestinal lactase deficiency in some racial groups and in patients with intestinal disease, the biochemical defect has not been characterized....
Ver documentoCONTEXTO: A genotipagem do SNP C/T-13910 localizado corrente acima do gene da lactase é usada para determinar hipolactasia e persistência da lactase tipo adulto em indivíduos caucasianos do Norte da Europa. A aplicabilidade deste polimorfismo tem sido estudada em comparação com m...
Ver documentoThe C/T-13910 mutation is the major factor responsible for the persistence of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LCT) gene expression. Mutation G/A-22018 appears to be only in co-segregation with C/T- 13910. The objective of the present study was to assess the presence of these two...
Ver documentoThe intolerance to lactose is the most common intolerance to carbohydrates among people of all ages and it affects about 70% of the adult population worldwide. Due to the prevalence of this condition on the world population, the commercial interest on milk and derivatives with re...
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