Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
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NS-1 (Nervous System Antigen-1), a Glial-Cell-Specific Antigenic Component of the Surface Membrane

A methylcholanthrene-induced glioblastoma of the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain was used to raise antibodies in C57BL/6 and C57BL/10 inbred mice and in (C57BL/6 × DBA/2) and (C57BL/6 × Balb/c) F1 hybrids. When examined by the cytotoxicity test, these antibodies define a cell-surface...

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Involvement of central nervous system in the schistosomiasis

The involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) by schistosomes may or may not determine clinical manifestations. When symptomatic, neuroschistosomiasis (NS) is one of the most severe presentations of schistosomal infection. Considering the symptomatic form, cerebral involvem...

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Biochemically differentiated mouse glial lines carrying a nervous system specific cell surface antigen (NS-1).

Six biochemically differentiated clonal lines have been established from a transplantable glioma (tg26) of the C57BL/6 inbred mouse strain. Antibodies have been previously raised against G26 tumor cells, which define a cell surface component(s), NS-1 (nervous system antigen-1), f...

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Functional disassociation of the central and peripheral fatty acid amide signaling systems

Fatty acid amides (FAAs) constitute a large class of endogenous signaling lipids that modulate several physiological processes, including pain, feeding, blood pressure, sleep, and inflammation. Although FAAs have been proposed to evoke their behavioral effects through both centra...

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Diagnostic value of anti-neuronal antibodies for paraneoplastic disorders of the nervous system.

The diagnostic value of the presence of anti-neuronal antibodies in serum was examined in 21 patients suspected of paraneoplastic disorders of the nervous system (NS) (group 1) and was compared to three control groups; group 2: 25 patients with a neurological disease, without can...

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Genome Replication and Postencapsidation Functions Mapping to the Nonstructural Gene Restrict the Host Range of a Murine Parvovirus in Human Cells

The infection outcome of the Parvoviridae largely relies on poorly characterized intracellular factors modulated by proliferation, differentiation, and transformation of host cells. We have studied the interactions displayed by the highly homologous p and i strains of the murine ...

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QT interval and dispersion in primary autonomic failure.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of the autonomic nervous system in determining QT interval and dispersion. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 32 patients with chronic primary (idiopathic) autonomic failure (19 men, mean age 60 years) and 21 normal controls (11 men, mean age 59) without sym...

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Monoclonal antibody specific for myelin glycoprotein P0: derivation and characterization.

A monoclonal antibody was produced against the major structural glycoprotein (P0) of human peripheral nervous system myelin. The hybridomas were generated by fusion of mouse myeloma line NS-1 with spleen cells of C3H mice immunized with purified human peripheral nervous system my...

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Tyrosine phosphorylation of measles virus nucleocapsid protein in persistently infected neuroblastoma cells.

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis is a slowly progressing fatal human disease of the central nervous system which is a delayed sequel of measles virus (MV) infection. A typical pathological feature of this disease is the presence of viral ribonucleocapsid structures in the form...

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Feline lymphoma in the nervous system: pathological, immunohistochemical, and etiological aspects in 16 cats

RESUMO: Os aspectos patológicos, imuno-histoquímicos (IHQ) e etiológicos do linfoma envolvendo o sistema nervoso de felinos foram analisados através de um estudo retrospectivo (período de 2004-2017) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O envolvimento do sistema nervoso foi obs...

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Information Management System: neurological disorders in non-cardiac chronics chagasic. / Sistema de gerenciamento da informação: alterações neurológicas em chagásicos crônicos não-cardíacos

This is the development of a computer information management system to support scientific studies about the nervous system of non-cardiac chronic chagasic patients. The goal is to develop the required system, by assumption of the convenience in the analysis of research results. T...

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Efeitos do exercício físico no sistema nervoso do indivíduo idoso e suas consequências funcionais

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura sobre os efeitos do exercício físico nas estruturas e funções do sistema nervoso (SN) de idosos e reportar os exercícios e parâmetros frequentemente usados. Após ampla e sistemática busca em bases de dados eletrônicas, foram...

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Mechanisms of Renin Secretion during Hemorrhage in the Dog

The importance of renal perfusion pressure (RPP), the sympathetic beta adrenergic nervous system and renal prostaglandins (PG) on renin release during a uniform 15-17% reduction in blood pressure by hemorrhage (HH) was studied systematically in anesthetized dogs. All groups of an...

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Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations of general anesthetic effects on the ion channel in the fully hydrated membrane: The implication of molecular mechanisms of general anesthesia

Interactions of volatile anesthetics with the central nervous system are characterized by low yet specific binding affinities. Although neurotransmitter-gated ion channels are considered the primary anesthetic targets, the mechanism of action at the molecular level remains elusiv...

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Pseudotumoral form of neuroschistosomiasis: report of three cases

Central nervous system (CSN) involvement in schistosomiasis is an ectopic manifestation with a large variety of clinical forms, including pseudotumoral, which occurs in isolated cases and is rare. Three patients with epidemiological indications of this pathology were examined; th...

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Molecular mimicry between Zika virus and central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disorders: the role of NS5 Zika virus epitope and PLP autoantigens

Resumo Antecedentes Evidências indicam uma forte ligação entre o vírus Zika (ZikV) e complicações neurológicas. Mielite aguda, neurite óptica, polineuropatia e encefalomielite que mimetizam distúrbios inflamatórios de desmielinização idiopáticos (DDII) após infecção por ZikV têm...

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Abnormal autonomic modulation of QT interval in patients with idiopathic ventricular tachycardia associated with clinically normal hearts.

BACKGROUND--Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurs in a small but important subset of patients without clinically overt heart disease. The mechanism of the arrhythmogenesis remains unclear in these patients. This study examines modulation of the QT interval by the autonom...

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Sensibilidade adrenergica de atrios direitos isolados de ratos normo ou hiperlipidemicos sedentarios ou submetidos a natação / Right atria sensitivity from normo or hiperlipidemic rats, sedentary or submitted to swimming sessios

Lipídios provenientes da dieta têm um importante efeito no sistema de sinalização transmembrana presente nas células cardíacas. Um vez ingeridos em excesso ocorre aumento no conteúdo de colesterol na membrana da célula cardíaca o qual afeta a atividade da adelilil ciclase ligada ...

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Neuroblastoma Cell-Adapted Yellow Fever 17D Virus: Characterization of a Viral Variant Associated with Persistent Infection and Decreased Virus Spread

Serial passage of yellow fever 17D virus (YF5.2iv, derived from an infectious molecular clone) on mouse neuroblastoma (NB41A3) cells established a persistent noncytopathic infection associated with a variant virus. This virus (NB15a) was dramatically reduced in plaque formation a...

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Predictions of Phase-Locking in Excitatory Hybrid Networks: Excitation Does Not Promote Phase-Locking in Pattern-Generating Networks as Reliably as Inhibition

Phase-locked activity is thought to underlie many high-level functions of the nervous system, the simplest of which are produced by central pattern generators (CPGs). It is not known whether we can define a theoretical framework that is sufficiently general to predict phase-locki...

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Raccoon poxvirus recombinants expressing the rabies virus nucleoprotein protect mice against lethal rabies virus infection.

Raccoon poxvirus (RCN) recombinants expressing the rabies virus internal structural nucleoprotein (RCN-N) protected A/WySnJ mice against a lethal challenge with street rabies virus (SRV). Maximum survival was achieved following vaccination by tail scratch and footpad (FP) SRV cha...

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