Artigos científicos, teses e dissertações
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Desafios para implementar a integralidade da assistência à saúde no SUS: estudo de caso no município de São Paulo (SP) / Challenges to implementing the entire health care SUS: a case study in São Paulo, SP

Introduction: The Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) presented expressive development during the two decades of its existence. Nevertheless, the issue, which has not been incorporated in the services organization and in the daily basis of the attention, is the glob...

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Regionalization and health federalism in Brazil / Regionalização e federalismo sanitário no Brasil

This study aims to examine the implications of Brazilian federal structure in the regionalization process of healthcare services of the national health system (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS). The core idea is that, by its federal nature, the regional health planning in Brazil must t...

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Prostate Cancer Screening in Brazil: a single center experience in the public health system

ABSTRACT Purpose: Incidence and mortality of prostate cancer (PCa) are still increasing in developing countries. Limited access to the health system or more aggressive disease are potential reasons for this. Ethnic and social differences in developed countries seem to make inapp...

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A oferta da homeopatia no Sistema Único de Saúde dos municípios de São Paulo : diferentes atores e distintas institucionalizações / The offering of homeopathy in São Paulo s municipalities : the different agents and differents institutions in the single health system

The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed Complementary and Alternative Medicine to integrate health policies, especially when it comes to countries under development, starting with the challenge of devoting full attention to health. In May 2006, Brazil published the Direc...

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Impact of the delay to start treatment in patients with lung cancer treated in a densely populated area of Brazil

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to evaluate the access of patients with lung cancer in a densely populated area of São Paulo to the Brazilian Public Health System, focusing on the time spent from symptom onset or initial diagnosis until the beginning of treatment. METHODS:...

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Registro de dados sobre acidentes de trabalho fatais em sistemas de informação no Brasil

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo é identificar sistemas de informação que dispõem de dados sobre acidentes de trabalho fatais (ATF) no Brasil, descrever suas características, fluxos e barreiras para a qualidade da informação. Empregando-se o método da pesquisa documental, foram enc...

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Aids, tecnologia e acesso sustentável a medicamentos: a incorporação dos anti-retrovirais no Sistema Único de Saúde / Aids, technology and sustainable access to medicine: the incorporation of antiretroviral drugs in the Single Health System

This thesis brings, in addition to concepts about the incorporation of technologies in health, an approach to the Brazilian institutional regulation, together with the description of the history and the functioning of medicines for the treatment of aids. In the second part of the...

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Os conceitos de regulação em saúde no Brasil / The concepts of health regulation in Brazil

The purpose of this study was to identify the concepts of health regulation employed in the national scientific literature on healthcare management. The study developed a typology for the concept of regulation using the concepts of regulation from other disciplines (Life science,...

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Interfaces and health education: a partnership of medical school and the city of UNICID Mairiporã / Interfaces saúde e educação: a parceria do curso de medicina da UNICID e a prefeitura de Mairiporã

This research, of qualitative nature, analyzes the impact caused in the students, patients and community by partnership between the Medicines course of the UNICID - University City of São Paulo - and the Municipal City hall of Mairiporã. And methodological procedures contemplated...

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Estudo de 19 anos dos procedimentos odontológicos realizados no Sistema Único de Saúde brasileiro

Resumo Introdução A saúde pública no Brasil sofreu grandes mudanças nas últimas décadas. Objetivo Descrever o panorama da produção odontológica realizada pelo SUS de 1999 a 2017 no Brasil e suas macrorregiões. Método Os dados foram obtidos no Sistema de Informação Ambulatorial...

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Ischemic heart disease. Hospitalization, length of stay and expenses in Brazil from 1993 to 1997

OBJECTIVE: To identify characteristics of the hospitalizations due to ischemic heart disease (IHD) made by the Single Health System -- "Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) in Brazil from 1993 to 1997. METHODS: The information used came from records of permissions for hospitalization due...

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Comparison of conventional Papanicolaou cytology samples with liquid-based cervical cytology samples from women in Pernambuco, Brazil

In the present study, we compared the performance of a ThinPrep cytological method with the conventional Papanicolaou test for diagnosis of cytopathological changes, with regard to unsatisfactory results achieved at the Central Public Health Laboratory of the State of Pernambuco....

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Neuroendocrine tumors involving the gastroenteropancreatic tract: a clinicopathological evaluation of 773 cases

OBJECTIVE: Description of some of the clinical pathological characteristics of neuroendocrine tumors of the gastroenteropancreatic tract in Brazilian patients. INTRODUCTION: Neuroendocrine tumors arise in many organs and share common pathological features. In 2010, the World Heal...

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Analysis of the referral system to the public endodontics service in a city within the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

RESUMO Objetivo: A avaliação de serviços utiliza indicadores de monitoramento e pesquisa avaliativa, para estudar o desempenho dos serviços e produzir recomendações que orientem soluções para problemas. Este estudo objetivou analisar a referência e contrarreferência no serviço d...

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Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS): características e sua inserção no contexto federativo

The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the SUS (Unitary System of Health) as established by the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. The author intends: firstly to describe the constitutional characteristics, principles and rules that govern and regulate that System; s...

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Characterization of applicants profile to Single Health System Medical Residency Contest, in the period 1999-2004 / Caracterização do perfil dos candidatos ao Concurso de Residência Médica do Sistema Único de Saúde, no período de 1999 a 2004

The objective of the study was to describe the applicants profile to Single Health System Medical Residency Contest in 1999, comparing to applicants profile to the contest placed five years later. This is a descriptive study, based on secondary data organized by Fundação Carlos C...

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The analysis of the main index in oral health in the city of Campos dos Goytacazes ? RJ, Brazil / Analise dos principais indicadores em saude bucal no Municipio de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, Brasil

The objectives of this work were: 1) to analyze the information system in the oral helth of Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) in 2004; 2) to compare the relation of IDH (Human Development Index) with the oral health in the cities of the north ?fluminense? in the state of Rio de Janeiro ...

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Estratégia de saúde da família e rede social de apoio de trabalhadores / Family health strategy and social networking in support of workers

In daily work within the Family Health Units (FHU) can be observed systematic differences in health status of vulnerable populations. These health inequalities are avoidable, unfair and unnecessary, featuring well, inequities in health. By integrity we seek to overcome any isolat...

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Characterization of newborns and mothers profiles from live birth certificates Campinas, SP Brazil, 2001 / Caracterização dos recem-nascidos e de suas mães, a partir das declarações de nascidos vivos de Campinas (SP), no ano de 2001

Health Information Systems are fundamental to the knowledge of health status of the population and to manage health policies. The Information System on Live Births (SINASC) was developed by the Brazilian Health Ministry and designed to improve quality of information on newborns a...

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A proposed architecture for implementing a knowledge management system in the Brazilian National Cancer Institute

Because their services are based decisively on the collection, analysis and exchange of clinical information or knowledge, within and across organizational boundaries, knowledge management has exceptional application and importance to health care organizations. This article propo...

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Influence of metal alloy and the profile of coronary stents in patients with multivessel coronary disease

BACKGROUND: In Brazil, despite the recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology, the National Health System has not yet approved the use of drug-eluting stents. In percutaneous coronary interventions performed in the public and part of th...

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